
DTH Connection or Cable Connection which is batter for your family entertainment?

There was a time when people having only one option to watch tv that was cable network service. But now there is much batter option to watch tv at your home with Dth cable service. After the DTH launch, there is a hung change in the market they replace the traditional cable network. Now dth service covered all over across in India and day by day they are making more customers. People are like dth connection for there service and quick solution. When India got dth license there is an evolutionary change in the dth sector. There is a big advantage of dth service they provide equal service in urban areas as well as rural areas. If you get a dth connection there are no such things you need to worried about where you are live there service available everywhere in India. Here we give some comparison which will help you to decide which one batter for your family entertainment.



Set-top Box Quality: The set-top box local cable operator provides to usershttps://clicdanstaville.fr/ which comes with MPEG-2  broadcast technology. The set-top box build quality also is an average quality that’s what the picture quality was not enough clear. In other, All DTH service provider Provide digital quality set-top box which comes with MPEG-4 broadcast technology. The dth set top build with good quality material with the latest technology feature. That’s why the dth service provider gives you more batter & clear quality pictures. There is a local cable operator give you a 1 year set-top box warranty in comparison dth service provider give one year & some service providers give 3 years set-top box warranty.


Audio and Visual Quality: Digital cable dth network give you 5x batter clear picture and sound quality in comparison to the analog cable network. Digital cable network has a maximum bandwidth which gives you more channels in lower compression of video quality. In DTH network sound & video both are excellent quality it broadcast two type channels standard definition & high definition picture quality channels. The picture quality depends on the compression technology used by the service provider. Dth has a direct broadcast from the satellite that’s why it’s able to provide more batter picture quality. On the same side, analog cable gives you to broadcast from the service provider through cable and there is a big problem of low power that’s local cable operator, not able to provide batter picture quality in comparison to the dth.