
Watch Serena Feelings for Ben and Her Family on Gossip Girl season 4 episode 15

Each one of us is bound to face a situation,Watch Serena Feelings for Ben and Her Family on Gossip Girl season 4 episode 15 Articles at some point of time, where we are forced to go against our family. Considering that the thought of unwavering devotion to our families is instilled in us right from the moment we begin to understand life, a situation where we have to defy this perception is tougher than one can imagine. But when you come to think of it logically, there must be certain people who indeed are justified in revolting against their family members. As we get a Gossip Girl season 4 episode 15 download after its telecast, we’ll get to see a situation akin to the aforementioned one, as Serena is faced with the prospect of choosing one out of Ben and her mother. Considering the entire drama that’s spanned over the latest season of the Gossip Girl series centering on Ben and Serena, it’s pretty obvious that Serena’s mother was definitely at fault in the case centering on Ben, which we’ve been seeing a lot of, in the season 4 episodes.If http://gossipfunda.com/ you’ve missed out on the relationship that developed between Ben and Serena and the role that was played by her mother’s intervention, you can catch up with it all by tuning in to the Gossip Girl episodes from any online portal. As you do so, you’ll discover that Ben was Serena’s English teacher for a brief period, during which Serena and Ben developed mutual feelings for each other.It all took an ugly turn when Ben was convicted for statutory rape and for the transportation of a minor across the border. He was sentenced to five years in prison, all on the basis of Serena’s signature, whereas the truth was that it was a crime that he hadn’t committed, and the signature was not hers, but her mother’s. You can watch Gossip Girl season 4 episode 15 online, after it goes on air, to see what follows next in this storyline. With Ben having been released from prison with the help of Serena, the upcoming episode will focus on Serena going against her mother to straighten out things with him.Even though there’s no doubt to the fact that, it’s the right thing to do in the situation that she is in, it’s definitely not going to be easy for her. Will she be able to stick to the truth or will she get carried away by her emotions? Find out by tuning in to Gossip Girl season 4 episode 15 right when it airs. You can download the episode any time after its telecast to watch it whenever you please. Another major thing to watch out for on Gossip Girl s04e15 “It-Girl Happened One Night” will be Chuck’s last effort to save his family’s company. Be sure not to miss this one!